Start Now!

The Challenge

Why This Program

Study Manuals

Article Overviews

Note cards

Time Management Schedules

CAS Financial Reporting Tables

Past CAS Questions (in Excel)
Solutions (in Google Sheets)

CAS Examiner Reports

Prep Tests

Exam Preparation Tools to Assist in Achieve a Passing Score

October 23, 2024 - October 30, 2024

The challenge: Achieving a passing score, due to the unpredictability of the CAS Effective Pass Ratio.

CAS Effective Pass Ratios:
  • Spring 2023:     51.7%
  • Fall 2022:          34.2%
  • Spring 2022:     52.3%
  • Fall 2021:           40.1%
  • Spring 2021:     42.4%

  • To pass CAS Exam 6U, you'll need to focus on articles most likely to be examined and work on questions in Excel on a consistent basis.

    Further, your ability to comprehend the material is a function of:
  • How well the syllabus readings are summarized
  • How quickly you can focus on the key material to be examined.

    To that end, you'll find our study manuals to be comprehensive and our study guides to keep you on track. We'll also advise you on what articles are more likely to be examined based on the Fall 2019 and prior exams.

    For most, success is contingent upon adhering to a 300+ hour time management schedule and working and completing hundreds of questions in Excel. Your commitment to both will produce the confidence and competence you need prior to taking the May exam.

    Make a commitment to using our program over the course of your study, and you'll be working 420 past CAS questions in Excel and deepening your knowledge of the material through study of over 1200 instructional solutions and guidance from 350 Examiner Reports.

    You'll learn how to develop sufficient and efficient full credit solutions.

    Finally, you'll have access to three syllabus section based Preparatory Tests and One Overall Practice Exam, comprising over 80 questions in spreadsheet format.

    Click here to see how our questions and solutions were designed.

    Solutions to past CAS questions are hosted on Google Drive and are view only. To view the Solutions in Google Sheets you must have a Gmail account. If you do not have one, the sign up process is simple.

    Click here to create a gmail account.

    Click the Free Preview button to download sample materials from this course.
  • Study Program Components

    Study Manuals, Article Overviews, Note cards, Time Management Schedules, CAS Financial Reporting Tables, Past CAS Questions and Solutions in Spreadsheet Format, and Practice Tests in Excel

    • Study Manuals summarizing the syllabus readings in just over 640 pages.
      Includes updated articles summaries for each of the 27 chapters from the 5th edition of the CAS Financial Reporting text.

    • Article Overviews. Includes a summary of the key topics and concepts presented in each article and tested overtime.

    • Downloadable time management schedules tracking your time on a weekly and by article bases are indispensable.

    • Downloadable spreadsheets containing 110 tables referenced in the CAS Financial Reporting text detail calculations you'll likely to see on the exam.

    • Over 420 questions, 1200 solutions, and 350 Examiner Reports in Spreadsheet Format.

    • Three syllabus section based Preparatory Tests and One Overall Practice Exam, comprising over 80 questions in spreadsheet format.

    • Note cards. Over 550 note cards by article and syllabus section. Includes blank note card templates for you to develop your own note cards.

    Study Materials Comparison

    Product and Pricing

    • Study Program

      Price: $400

      Includes all materials in the Questions and Solutions product

      Includes article summaries of the syllabus readings, notecards, a select number of article overviews to some of the syllabus readings, excel based time management spreadsheet, excel based question management spreadsheet, excel tables found within the syllabus reading "Financial Reporting Through the Lens of a Property/ Casualty Actuary".

      Includes 3 Syllabus Section (SS) Preparatory Tests (PT) containing original questions:
      PT1: 20 questions from SS A&B
      PT2: 22 questions from SS C
      PT3: 20 questions from SS CD&E

      Includes 1 Practice Exam (PE) containing 26 past CAS questions

      Includes 6 additional months of access to the Study Program directly after initial purchase, if you do not sit for, or had an unsuccessful score on, CAS Exam 6U.

    • Questions and Solutions

      Price: $300

      Includes 420 downloadable Past CAS Exam questions in Excel

      Includes over 1200 view only Solutions to Past CAS Exam questions in Google Sheets

      Includes over 350 Examiner Report comments to Past CAS Exam questions in Google Sheets

      Includes 6 additional months of access to the Questions and Solutions directly after initial purchase, if you do not sit for, or had an unsuccessful score on, CAS Exam 6U.

    • Practice Exams

      Price: $200

      Includes 4 downloadable Practice Exams containing original questions * and view only solutions:

      PE1: 25 questions totaling 76 points
      PE2: 25 questions totaling 77 points
      PE3: 27 questions totaling 76 points
      PE4: 26 questions totaling 77 points

      Includes 4 downloadable Practice Exams containing past CAS questions and view only solutions:

      **PE1: 26 questions totaling 69 points
      PE2: 25 questions totaling 76 points
      PE3: 26 questions totaling 75 points
      PE4: 26 questions totaling 75 points

      * About 30 of the original questions also appear in the Study program PTs.

      ** CAS PE1 is included in the Study program

      Includes 6 additional months of access to the Practice Exams directly after initial purchase, if you do not sit for, or had an unsuccessful score on, CAS Exam 6U.

    Course curriculum

    1. 1
      • Preparing for CAS Exam 6U

    2. 2
      • Recommended Reading and Time Management Schedule

    3. 3
      • Question Management Spreadsheet

    4. 4
      • Course Announcements and Updates - As of 10/5/2023

    5. 6
      • Chapter 2 - Development of Insurance Regulation - Article Summary

      • Chapter 2 – Overview - Key Topics by section within chapter

      • Chapter 2 - Past CAS Questions in Excel

      • Chapter 3 - Federal and Other Influences on Insurance Regulation- Article Summary

      • Chapter 3 - Overview - Key Topics by section within chapter

      • Chapter 3 - Past CAS Questions in Excel

      • Chapter 4 – Roles of State Regulators and the NAIC in Insurance - Article Summary

      • Chapter 4 - Overview - Key Topics by section within chapter

      • Chapter 4 - Past CAS Questions in Excel

      • Chapter 5 – State Department of Insurance Operations - Article Summary

      • Chapter 5 - Overview - Key Topics by section within chapter

      • Chapter 5 – Past CAS Questions in Excel

      • Chapter 6 - Insurer Formation, Licensing, and Marketing Regulation - Article Summary

      • Chapter 6 - Overview - Key Topics by section within chapter

      • Chapter 6 – Past CAS Questions in Excel

      • Chapter 8 - Rate Regulation - Article Summary

      • Chapter 8 - Overview - Key Topics by section within Chapter

      • Chapter 8 – Past CAS Questions in Excel

      • Chapter 12 - Insolvency Regulation - Article Summary

      • Chapter 12 - Overview - Key Topics by section within Chapter

      • Chapter 12 – Past CAS Questions in Excel

    6. 7
      • Retained Property Casualty Insurance-Related Risk

    7. 8
      • NAIC White Paper - Insurance Regulation and Solvency - Overview

      • Article Summary

      • Past CAS Questions (in Excel)

    8. 9
      • Vaughan - The Economic Crisis and Lessons from U.S. Ins Regulation - Key Concepts

      • Article Summary

      • Past CAS Questions (in Excel)

    9. 10
      • McCarty - Key Concepts

      • Article Summary

      • Past CAS Questions (in Excel)

    10. 11
      • Kucera - Key Concepts

      • Article Summary

      • Past CAS Questions (in Excel)

    11. 12
      • NAIC Price - Price Optimization - Key Concepts

      • Article Summary

      • Past CAS Questions (in Excel)

    12. 13
      • FIO Report

    13. 14
      • Article Summary

      • Past CAS Questions (in Excel)

      • Rating Agencies - Key Concepts

    14. 15
      • Reg Review of Predictive Models

    15. 16
      • Article Summary

      • Comments

    16. 17
      • Article Summary

      • Comments

    17. 18
      • Article Summary

      • Past CAS Questions (in Excel)

    18. 19
      • Article Summary

      • Past CAS Questions (in Excel)

    19. 20
      • Article Summary

      • Past CAS Questions (in Excel)

    20. 21
      • Article Summary - Part 1

      • Article Summary - Part 2

      • Past CAS Questions (in Excel)

    21. 22
      • Range of Weights

    22. 23
      • Article Summary

      • Comments

      • Chapter 3 - CAS Financial Reporting Tables

    23. 24
      • Article Summary - Chapters 6 - 13

      • Past CAS Questions (in Excel)

      • Chapters 7 through 13 - CAS Financial Reporting Tables

    24. 25
      • Article Summary - Chapter 14 - Schedule F

      • Past CAS Questions (in Excel)

      • Chapter 14 - CAS Financial Reporting Tables Tables

    25. 26
      • Article Summary - Chapter 15 - Schedule P

      • Past CAS Questions (in Excel)

      • Chapter 15 - CAS Financial Reporting Tables

    26. 27
      • Article Summaries - Chapters 16 and 17

      • Chapter 17 - CAS Financial Reporting Tables

    27. 28
      • Article Summary - Chapter 18 - IEE

      • IEE - Key Topics, Formulas and Concepts Tested

      • Past CAS Questions (in Excel)

      • Chapter 18 - CAS Financial Reporting Tables

    28. 29
      • Article Summary - Chapter 19 - RBC

      • Past CAS Questions (in Excel)

      • Chapter 19 - CAS Financial Reporting Tables

      • RBC - Key Topics, Formulas and Concepts Tested

    29. 30
      • Article Summary - Chapter 21 - Insurer Financial Health

      • Past CAS Questions (in Excel)

    30. 31
      • Article Summaries - Chapters 22 through 26

      • Past CAS Questions (in Excel)

      • Chapters 22 through 26 - CAS Financial Reporting Tables

    31. 32
      • Article Summary - Chapter 30 - Future of Financial Reporting

    32. 33
      • NAIC IRIS - Overview and Key Concepts

      • Article Summary - NAIC IRIS Ratios

      • Past CAS Questions (in Excel)

    33. 34
      • Article Summary

      • Past CAS Questions (in Excel)

    34. 35
      • Article Summary

    35. 36
      • Article Summary

    36. 37
      • Article Summary

      • Past CAS Questions (in Excel)

    37. 38
      • Article Summary

    38. 39
      • Article Summary

    39. 40
      • Article Summary

      • Past CAS Questions (in Excel)

    40. 41
      • Article Summary

    41. 42
      • Article Summary

      • Past CAS Questions (in Excel)

    42. 43
      • Past CAS Questions (in Excel)

    43. 44
      • Syllabus Section Weights

    44. 45
      • Article Summary

    45. 46
      • Article Summary

      • Past CAS Questions (in Excel)

    46. 47
      • Article Summary

      • Past CAS Questions (in Excel)

    47. 48
      • Article Summary

      • Past CAS Questions (in Excel)

    48. 49
      • Past CAS Questions (in Excel)

      • Article Summary

    49. 50
      • Article Summary

      • Past CAS Questions (in Excel) - Part 1

      • Past CAS Questions (in Excel) - Part 2

    50. 51
      • Risk of Material Adverse Deviation

    51. 52
      • Syllabus Section Weights

    52. 53
      • Article Summary

    53. 54
      • Article Summary

      • Past CAS Questions (in Excel)

    54. 55
      • Article Summary

      • Past CAS Questions (in Excel)

    55. 56
      • Article Summary

      • Past CAS Questions (in Excel)

      • Freihaut/Vendetti - Common Pitfalls: Risk Transfer Analysis - Overview

    56. 57
      • Klann: Reinsurance Commutation - Overview

      • Article Summary

      • Past CAS Questions (in Excel)

    57. 58
      • Estimating the Uncollectible Reinsurance Reserve

    58. 59
      • Preparatory Tests

      • Prep Test 1 - Syllabus Sections A and B

      • Prep Test 2 - Syllabus Section C

      • Prep Test 3 - Syllabus Sections C, D and E

      • CAS Practice Exam 1

    59. 60
      • Eight Practice Exams (available for purchase)

    60. 61
      • Syllabus Section A Summaries

      • Syllabus Section B Summaries

      • Syllabus Section C Summaries

      • Syllabus Section D Summaries

      • Syllabus Section E Summaries

    61. 62
      • Note cards by Syllabus Section


    • How many questions and solutions do I have access to?

      You have access to 38 downloadable spreadsheets in Excel containing over 430 past CAS questions in total. You also have access to 38 view only solution spreadsheets containing over 1,000 solutions in Google Sheets.

    • Do I need a gmail account to access the solutions?

      Yes. Once you provide us with your gmail account, a folder with the solutions will be shared to your Google Drive.

    • Will I be able to see what formulas were used in all of the solution sheets?

      Yes. Once in google sheets, hit the F2 button on your keyboard to view what calculations were used in solving the problem. See screen shot below

    • How long will I have access to the question and solution files?

      Since you can download the spreadsheets You have access to them 24/7. You have access to the solution files through exam day.

    • If I fail the exam, can you reinstate my access to the solution files?

      Yes. Send us your CAS grade report showing you did not receive a passing score and we will reinstate access to the solutions.

    • Our company uses a study coordinator to purchase study materials on behalf of its students. Can this coordinator purchase on my behalf?

      Yes. Have the coordinator make the purchase using their name and email address, and email support@actuarialtesting with your name and email address to access the questions and solutions.